Regardless of product type or capital stack position mogul offers to its investors, we pride ourselves in only approving the most valuable and operationally efficient properties in each of our target markets. Our value-add to you is removing the guesswork from selecting and operating cash-flowing real estate investments that will generate favorable risk-adjusted returns for all involved. How do we do that?
Each property at mogul is thoughtfully and carefully approved by our real estate professionals with billions of transactional dollars in institutional and personal experience. To start, we meticulously craft an investment thesis based on current real estate market trends. These trends/value drivers include housing economics, interest rate environments, supply/demand dynamics, and growth fundamentals. Once we craft our thesis, we home in on our target markets, and we source properties from owners who hold investment exposure within each market. After collecting crucial information about the property’s condition and performance, we analyze the economics of the investment by digging into the operations and appreciation potential. Through an underwriting model and extensive due diligence, we are able to project the property’s cashflows over a set time period. After calculating equity needed, leverage used, and  yields achieved by the investment, we project an internal rate of return (IRR). Assuming the property achieves and exceeds all of our proprietary investment criteria, we initiate the onboarding process. Read more about our onboarding process on the website!
We at mogul have thoughtfully selected single family rental as our first offering type. Why?
First off, single family rentals are an excellent gateway into the world of real estate investing. This holds especially true for our retail investors who may not have had the opportunity to purchase their own investment property outright up until this point.
Second, single family rentals offer diversity within the asset class itself given you can offer up significant quantity in addition to quality. What does this mean? If I have $5mm, I can either purchase one $5mm multifamily property in one market, or 10 $500k single family properties with different business plans across several competitive markets. This lowers the concentration risk of the investment. Additionally, a larger number of property investments creates the ability for you to allocate your hard-earned dollars more efficiently and with the allocation you think is best.
Third, the demand for housing is considered “sticky.” The demand for rental housing is only increasing as the cost of ownership continues to rise due to increasing purchase prices and an expensive interest rate environment. Because it may cost more upfront for an investor to own a house, the demand for rents should drive rents up while also constraining supply of new homes being built. Typically, barring other economic conditions, the current  interest rate environment favors the owner. For more on that check out our post on cash flow vs appreciation!
If there’s one thing we can generally control past the property selection process, it’s airtight operations. You can’t expect to control for every aspect of risk inherently present in a real estate investment. However, you can optimize your control factors to get the best possible outcome from every angle, no matter what direction the market trends.
How does mogul do this? Through our analysis: making sure our in-place leases are yieldy, sticky, and exceed our margins. From a revenue perspective, we capitalize reserves at initial offering, ensuring any unforeseen vacancies or dropped leases don’t heavily impact the business plan. On the expense side of the equation, our expert property managers and property manager partners project out recurring operational expenses to the dollar, providing us the ability to  price recurring expenses into our willingness to purchase upfront and value attributed to the leasing potential.
Outside of operating expenses, our property inspections and due diligence account for any potential capital expenditures to ensure there are no surprises. In the unlikely event that surprises occur, we capitalize a maintenance reserve on top of our vacancy reserve to protect against these costs. Investing can be a war zone, and we at mogul pride ourselves on providing you with the armor to weather any battle or storm that may present itself.
Property selection is a primary and key factor in becoming a smart real estate investor. At the end of the day, it’s all about due diligence, data, and experience. We are experts in all three! And although we will try our best to avoid mogulsplaining to you, we will always strive to provide the utmost transparency and visibility into where your hard-earned dollars are going.
Still have questions? Feel free to visit our help center and reach out to us directly. Our dedicated team will get back to you efficiently and diligently to ensure all of your questions are answered. Join mogul today!